A Modest Beginning.
March, 1980 -- in a small town in the northern edge of Westchester County, a tiny advertisement is placed in a local Pennysaver:
Knights of Pythias Lodge being formed, an informational meeting to be held: contact David Peltzer. The meeting is attended
by more than fifty men and their wives. Many of those present are the children of current and former Pythians. Before the
meeting adjourns, more than 30 members have been signed up. In April, the excellent ritual team from Wendell Wilkie Lodge
works its wonders in instructing more than 50 members at a very special Sunday morning 3-in-1 rank. The Lodge is on its way
to being chartered at the June, 1980 Convention where Edward Geltzer is sworn in as Grand Chancellor.
Its first officers, led by Chancellor Commander David Peltzer, establish their first Castle Hall at the Yorktown Jewish Center
(where it was to meet for six years). The lodge later met at an Elks Lodge (for two years), and then its current home - a
Unitarian Meeting Hall. Within the first year Yorktown Lodge developed its own Ritual Team. This team immediately proceeded
to initiate new Yorktown Lodge members. The team also travelled "across the river" in 1982 to initiate the first
classes at Lakes Region Lodge. A few years later, the lodge produced its own Amplified Rank Team, led by PC Alan Kaplan.
The team performed for a number of Rathbone Classes including one for the Supreme Chancellor.
One of its first major events was held in October, 1982 when Yorktown Lodge hosted its first Charivari Street Fair in Downing
Park, Yorktown Heights. A day of fun, food, entertainment, and months of preparation and hard work! More than 100 vendors
saw more than 10,000 people attend the largest single day event in the history of the town! Throughout the day, local groups
provided entertainment, lodge members sold raffles, members and their families sold food from 5:00 AM until the early evening.
The fair was chaired by PC Martin Bernstein, MD, vendors were coordinated by David Peltzer, and food was organized under
the watchful eye of Brother Larry Wexler. What made this event special was the entertainment provided by various choral groups,
dance clubs, magicians, puppet shows, and children's table which provided free games and prizes. The Charivari Street Fair
has been held yearly up until recently.